Endorois Welfare Council
Advocating for a safe, just and prosperous community in Kenya
Advocating, promoting and facilitating social justice and sustainable development among the Endorois and other minority and/or marginalized communities.

Endorois Welfare Council (EWC) is a registered community-based organization in Kenya under the Registrar of Societies, established in 1995. It was founded by senior members of the Endorois indigenous minority community living in the Lake Bogoria area, Marigat and Mogotio Sub-Counties of Baringo County, as well
as in Nakuru and Laikipia Counties within the Rift Valley Region of Kenya.
One of the reasons for establishing the organization was to seek restitution of Endorois Peoples land which was seized by the Government of Kenya in 1973 to create the present-day Lake Bogoria National Game Reserve. Subsequently, this led to loss of ancestral land and other natural resources, economic, cultural, religious, social status rights of the Endorois People. >>>
- Integrity and Accountability
- Justice and Equity
- Fair Representation
- Respect For Human Rights
These parties include American Jewish World Service (AJWS), Natural Justice (NJ), GIZ, ABS Capacity Development Initiative, CEMIRIDE, MRG, Witness, IWGIA, Voice, UNDP, UN Environment, Christensen Fund, Indigenous Information Network, Baringo County Government, National Government agencies (KWS, NEMA, NACOSTI, Universities, Research organisations, line ministries etc.), IPLCs e.g. Ogiek, Sengwer, Samburu Women, Maasai, Waata, Yiaku , Boni etc.